Gateley is a professional services group which has been providing legal and professional services to individuals and businesses over the last 200 years. Our team includes over 1,500 people located in 16 offices in the UK, alongside offices in Dubai and Hong Kong.
Running a different race
Gateley is a leader rather than a follower, a pace setter rather than a pack runner. This is why we were the first commercial UK law firm to list on the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in 2015. We did this because we believe that clients are looking for professional advisers to help them whether personally or professionally across a wide spectrum of areas. By listing we have been able to acquire complementary businesses alongside our core legal offering to create a Gateley team which attracts the best talent in the industry.

Choosing the right professional adviser is like choosing the right running shoes
As in so many areas in life – including running – you get a much better result when you have the right kit for the job in hand. At Gateley, our people are the ‘kit’ that we bring to our clients; they are specialists with the skills that our clients need to deal with the job in hand. You wouldn’t think of running a 10k in flip flops or a half marathon in pumps. The same goes for choosing a professional adviser. That may seem a little trite as a comparison but you can save so much time and pain, just as with running shoes, if you pick the right support from the outset.
On your side
We are proud that the Gateley team includes:
Gateley Legal – services span commercial and corporate law, dispute resolution, property, human resources, banking, litigation, restructuring, pensions, regulatory, private wealth, family and more;
Gateley Capitus – a leading fiscal incentives consultancy specialising in capital allowances on commercial property, land remediation relief and tax incentives;
Gateley Hamer – a specialist property consultancy providing straight talking advice relating to utilities and compensation, as well as compulsory purchase;
Gateley Vinden – a specialist business offering corporate advisory, dispute resolution and consultancy to the built environment in the property and construction markets;
Gateley RJA – a Chartered Quantity Surveying practice providing full cost management and quantity surveying services;
Gateley Smithers Purslow – a rapidly growing multi-disciplinary chartered surveying practice, comprising building and quantity surveyors, civil and structural engineers, as well as architects and planners. Specialising in services to the property insurance claims market, it resolves high value claims for insurers, policy holders and their advisers;
Entrust – a leading professional independent trustee company that helps companies run their pension scheme effectively;
Gateley Global – experts in international business, helping clients expand into new offshore markets in the most efficient way;
Kiddy & Partners – a global firm of experts in business psychology and trusted advisers to a range of business leaders, HR and talent directors;
t-three – specialists in people and leadership development and behavioural change;
Adamson Jones – patent and trademark attorneys providing expert intellectual property advice and services to clients from large multinational and national organisations, to universities and SMEs; and
Symbiosis IP – chartered patent attorneys specialising in IP services for the life sciences, pharmaceutical and chemistry industries.
Choosing the right professional adviser is like choosing the right running shoes
As in so many areas in life – including running – you get a much better result when you have the right kit for the job in hand. At Gateley, our people are the ‘kit’ that we bring to our clients; they are specialists with the skills that our clients need to deal with the job in hand. You wouldn’t think of running a 10k in flip flops or a half marathon in pumps. The same goes for choosing a professional adviser. That may seem a little trite as a comparison but you can save so much time and pain, just as with running shoes, if you pick the right support from the outset.